Check out this wonderful article about the fitness benefits of biking. I don’t even know this writer, but I want to! She thinks just like I do–biking is the way to go. Riding your bike is the most wonderful fitness tool, and I’m glad to hear somebody else talk about it!
Speaking of talking about it, life has been VERY busy lately, and thus my written thoughts have been, ahem…. limited. Hope you’re not waiting for me with baited breath.
The last of our 4 children have left home (with a bit of nudging on our part), and my husband and I decided it was time to downsize. We just spent two weeks and much money getting our house ready to go on the market, and we accomplished an amazing transformation in a minimum time. (Just don’t count my new grey hairs and the fact that I haven’t ridden my bike in 2 weeks.)
I’m sharing this because if anyone is looking for a beautiful 4 bedroom home in the new suburb of Burlington, VT, have we got the house for you! You can check it out here. We have NO idea where we’re going. It has to be in the US and relatively near an airport hub, but those are the only requirements. PLEASE, send ideas! We tend to like a little less winter (than Vermont’s 5-6 months of it), smaller cities, and a beautiful environment. Oh, and since I’m asking, it would help if there were lots of awesome bike trails around.
Today I’m getting out for a ride–it’s gorgeous outside. Keep pedaling!