When people want to free their minds and bodies from stress, they usually go to a spa to get a full-body massage or a nice soothing bath, soak themselves in a jacuzzi, eat their favorite comfort food or drink, go to a movie theatre to watch their favorite film, or attend yoga sessions. These activities truly get rid of the pressures from a long and exhausting day at work or at home, but they require you to spend money, and sometimes they could be costly especially when you do them regularly since you get stressed out every now and then also.
Biking, on the other hand is a great activity which does the same thing — it calms your body, mind, and even your spirit, and you do not need to spend a single penny. You just need to exert a little effort pedaling and your worries will disappear.
A single ride around a block could relax your body. It does not really matter if you are riding a regular bike or a custom built bike. It can be a free alternative to a pleasant but costly body massage.
It is a great chance to clear your mind from home or work related problems, life’s disappointments and downfalls, failures, and defeats. This way you can think rationally and positively, see life in a different and brighter perspective, and appreciate and love the people around you even more. It allows you to have inner peace which can make you appreciate life however challenging it may be, appreciate yourself, and eventually make you a happier and content person.
So don’t take things too seriously–just ride those two wheels and pedal your blues away!