If you are too caught up with your obligations at work and at home, so busy from sun up to sun down, then you are probably missing out on something great like getting to know the person or people living just next door. Well, probably it’s time to truly get to meet and interact with them may be a little deeper than just a “hi” or “hello,” a hand wave, or a nodding head with a casual smile.
And biking could be a very fun way to do so. You might just have a real conversation with your neighbor while you are walking your big bicycle passing by his house. You may have another nice conversation with him while riding past his house the next day. And in that conversation you might discover that you both have interest in biking. You may talk about some fun memories you had with bike riding, and those talks could turn into a random invitation for a bike ride on a weekend. And if that invitation goes well, perhaps you could ride again together, perhaps this time to the grocery store.
If you both liked the activity of biking together, you could try other biking activities like working out with your bikes, joining amateur cycling races, biking around the community, riding to a nearby place which you have not been to yet, or randomly riding somewhere to simply unwind and get some fresh air on a summer day after a long day at work then probably stop on a nice place to grab an ice-cold drink or a snack and talk about some other things you have in common. Going on double bike dates are fun as well! You could also offer to run an errand for an elderly neighbor or a widow with small kids.
Build a beautiful relationship with your neighbor through biking. If your neighbor does not know how to ride yet, then it could be a great opportunity to bond with him. Offer to help him learn how to bike. You could both do this in your most convenient time like day offs or holidays. You will surely have tons of fun and laughters. pjk
To strengthen the relationship you have with your neighbor, you might want to consider joining cycling groups or organizations. This way, you could have more opportunities to spend time with and get to know each other by attending the different biking activities your group will conduct. It could get more exciting and fun if you and your neighbor ride with other bike enthusiasts.
Bicycles could really be a great tool in bringing people together. A stranger just a few feet from your house could be a great friend through a very simple activity like biking.