
- What’s in the package?
- Smart helmet*1
- Remote control*1
- Remote control base*1
- Type-C charging cable*1
- Black goggles*1
- Windproof ear protection*2
- Manual *1
- 64GB Micro SD Card*1
Brand | KRACESS |
Color | KRS-S1 Matte Black |
Age Range (Description) | Adult |
Size | L-22-24.4″ |
Special Feature | Bluetooth, Lightweight |
Brand | KRACESS |
Color | KRS-S1 Matte Black |
Age Range (Description) | Adult |
Size | L-22-24.4″ |
Special Feature | Bluetooth, Lightweight |
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La Vida Loca YT Keeping Up With The Reviews –
I am a biker by passion, and I am writing this review about the KRACESS KRS-S1 Bike Helmet after numerous memorable. Before buying, I knew Helmet-mounted cameras are a technological advancement for bikers, skydivers, and extreme hikers that help capture memorable moments while keeping yourself safe from impacts and concussions. But the KRACESS biker helmet is more than that. This new-age smart helmet, in addition to regular features, is equipped with Bluetooth hands-free speakers and a smartphone connection. What a smart makeover!!This helmet come designed with built-in auto-sensing lighting that comes in 3 light modes and ensures the safety of the rider during regular rides as well as impaired driving conditions. Turn Signal Mode alerts fellow motorists when you turn and flashes in the direction of the turn, while Brake mode and Double Flashing mode indicate movement and collision status. Built-in acceleration sensors measure the static acceleration by gravity and free-fall sensing through speed and the head inclination angle of the rider. These lights are effectively managed using a remote control installed at the handlebar of your vehicle for easy operation.An approximate 150 meters vision range is possible through the lights- it further increases rider safety at night and under low-light conditions. The built-in Bluetooth speaker and windproof microphone in the helmet provide clear calls and enable easy communication with your team for general conversation, navigation direction, or simply for making the ride more enjoyable. Dual antenna Bluetooth audio system creates the most natural audio system and summons intelligent assistance from your smartphone for hassle-free riding situations.One of the advanced features of the KRACESS smart helmet is its IP Full HD 1080p Front Camera, which can be multi-purposed as a driving recorder or used for recording footage during driving situations. Riders commuting daily will find tracking their surroundings, customer dealings, and other business transactions especially useful. The 60 frames-per-second feature improves the videos’ fluidity while allowing higher-quality slow-motion documentation.The helmet supports a built-in memory card of up to 64GB that can be transferred to your computer with a simple USB Type C cable. When the memory is full, the data will be automatically deleted, saving you from manually deleting the pictures and videos.In addition to technical innovations, KRACESS helmets have magnetic-replaceable goggles that protect the wearer’s eyes from excess sunlight, impacts, dust, smoke, flying debris, and corrosive chemicals. You can change the pre-equipped dark goggles for customized transparent or yellow-colored shades depending on the user’s traveling conditions or requirements.Earmuffs provided with the helmet provide windproof ear protection but can even be removed should you not prefer them. The helmet is made of reinforced PC material with polymer foam material in a single molding process, making it super comfortable and lightweight and improving its impact resistance. The helmet comes in two sizes to choose from, keeping in mind the size chart and circumference of your head.Best Features● Security lights● Dual antenna Bluetooth audio system● Safety Protection● Eye and Ear protection● 1080p camera with 60 fps● Advanced noise control with non-obtrusive headphones
Amazon Customer –
Right off the bat, I am no expert on bike helmets, this is the first one I have ever owned (my parent’s generation considered brain damage to be “character building”). I bought this helmet because I recently got a decent e-bike and felt I might actually need the extra brain protection at the e-bike’s higher rate of speed and the extra features like the bluetooth, camera, signal lights, goggle lens and ear covering seemed appealing to me. Now, I haven’t crashed with this helmet (yet), so I can’t really speak to its actual safety other than to say it does make me feel a lot safer. Its construction seems solid, the adjustable fit is comfortable and doesn’t feel like its ready to fall off, but the helmet is heavier than others I had looked at. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. A lot of bike helmets look and feel like cheap plastic toys and give the impression that they wouldn’t offer any more protection than wrapping your head in used bubble wrap. This helmet does not feel like that at all. I’m not going to run headfirst into a wall with it, but I feel like I could. As for the helmet’s other features:The bluetooth speakers – they work, and that’s about the best you can say about them. Sound quality is not great, very hollow and tinny sounding. For phone calls or navigation they are fine, but you probably won’t enjoy listening to music on them.The camera – the photos and videos it takes won’t be winning any awards; most modern low to mid-range cell phones take much better pictures and video, but what it does produce is good enough to CYA in an accident or traffic violation. The videos are technically 1080, but they are only 25 fps and only have low bitrate mono audio. The video format is AVI, which produces massive files as they are pretty much uncompressed, and for some reason the camera automatically formats the SD card as FAT32 in some way that makes it unreadable to Android devices. If you want to pop out the SD card and review your video or pictures on an Android phone, forget about it.The signal lights – I do like these. Having turn signals on the back of my head is much easier for the cars on the road with me to see than anything seat or fender mounted. I constantly use them, though I don’t know if anyone is actually paying attention to them…Goggle lens – I REALLY like this. As someone cursed to wear eye glasses who constantly loses his clip on or prescription sunglasses, this thing is great. Shades just enough sun, keeps the wind and bugs out of my eyes and doesn’t even come close to interfering with my glasses. The magnets seem more than strong enough to hold it on, so I don’t really worry about losing it. I also just discovered the optional (purchased separately) clear and yellow tint lenses, so I may pick up an extra for night riding soon.Ear coverings – Yep, it has them… I’ll be honest, I haven’t really used these yet. I stopped using my bike during most of the winter and only got the helmet after things started to warm up again. I’m honestly hoping the ear covers will allow me to keep using the bike in at least some of the cold weather.One final note, and this is mostly a FYI: multiple places in this item’s description, in the Amazon Q&A and even in the manual that came in the box with the actual helmet it states that a memory card for the camera is not included and must be purchased separately. So I bought one. Three, actually, since I found a good deal on a three pack of decent high speed PNY cards. But what did I find packaged up neatly in the box with my helmet? A generic no-name 64GB class 10 micro SD card.I don’t know who to believe now.Honestly, if you are considering this helmet, I would wait to buy a card until after you receive the helmet. Micro SD cards aren’t really that expensive, but why waste the money if they are going to send you one anyway?
Mar Kuss –
The helmet fits very well and the cushions for the ears are great in winter. They really make a big difference. I bought this helmet in late winter and it changed my life….The back light is bright and powerful, if the brake light works I cannot tell… I don’t see it ;)The bluetooth connection to my iPhone works very very well and fast and is absolutely stable. I never had any interruption so far.The quality of the speakers is poor, but bearable.Don’t expect to listen to “music”, you would just recognise the song, not much more.But for voices in a phone call it is okay. The quality of the microphone seems good. Some of my friends say, they hear me quite well, very few complain that they would not hear my voice clearly.It is great to get directions from google maps.The camera function works very well, but I am not using it a lot.The remote control of the signals is working well but the buttons are not easy to identify, if you do not look at them. I would have preferred more profile on the buttons, to feel what is what without looking.It would have been great, if it would have a front light too.But I like this helmet very much. I feel very safe even on very dark country roads.
Client d’Amazon –
Très bonne caméra mais le reste ne fonctionne pas.
J’en ai acheté deux un pour moi et un pour mon fils. Les deux ont le même problème, la télécommande qui est fait office pour faire fonctionner le clignotant ne fonctionne pas. Ce qui concerne la virgule la caméra fonctionne très bien et l’image est nette, un seul problème je suis forcé de sortir la micro SD pour recueillir les images car si je branche directement mon casque avec une entrée ou sortie USB c ça ne fonctionne pas pour les deux casques. Ce qui concerne le feu stop automatique ça reste un gadget. Pour le bluetooth ou sans compter bien les personnes mais les personnes si vous voulez entendre plus le bruit du vent que votre voix.
Marc d. S. –
TOP Helm aber…
Das Wichtigste zuerst:Ich bin nach dem ersten Test sehr zufrieden.Der Helm macht einen Wertigen Eindruck.Er ist recht angenehm zu tragen, trotz seines relativ hohen Gewichts. (dafür 1/2 Stern Abzug)Das “Visier” ist äußerst Praktisch, gerade für Brillenträger. Dieses war, unter anderem, ein Grund für den Kauf dieses Helms.Die Lautsprecher sind äußerst Praktisch. So ist das Wahrnehmen der Umgebung viel besser möglich als mit Ohrhörern.Trotz der fehlenden Bässe (auch hier wieder 1/2 Stern Abzug) empfinde ich es als OK zum Musikhören im Hintergrund. Telefonieren werde ich bestimmt irgendwann auch noch testen.Die eingebaute Dashcam hat mich tatsächlich sehr positiv überrascht.Sehr gute Filmaufnahmen bei einem durchaus stabilem Bild. Definitiv ein sehr großes +.Die “Earmuffs” oder Ohrwärmer, sind ein weiterer großer Pluspunkt. Gerade in der kühleren Jahreszeit.Ein Nachteil: das Entfernen. Es bedarf schon etwas Kraftaufwand um diese abzunehmen. Ich hoffe, dass die Plastikhalterung dabei nicht kaputt geht. Ich werde es sehen.Hierfür eigentlich auch 1/2 Stern Abzug, aber 4 Sterne ist der Helm absolut Wert.Fazit:Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Dietmar Daniels –
Super Radlhelm
Beim Auspacken war ich zunächst skeptisch ob der Helm auch bei 30 Grad angenehm zu tragen ist. Und tatsächlich er ist sehr angenehm zu tragen auch wenn es heiss draußen ist. Einzigartig ist der sehr gute Bluetooth Empfang zum Musikhören und sehr gut zum telefonieren. Man hat keine störenden Ohrstöpsel drin und kann top und Locker viele Stunden telefonieren. Eine top Verarbeitung und Qualität. Auch sehr praktisch ist das Visier. Ich kann diesen Helm unbedenklich weiterempfehlen. Servus Dietmar
Hykel Harald –
Toller Helm super Sound ,kann dennoch Autos und andere Verkehrsteilnehmer hören klare Kaufempfehlung.
Johannes –
Bester Fahrradhelm ????♂️
Zu meinem neuen Fahrrad brauchte ich auch einen Helm. ich bin großer Fan von smarten Gadgets und als ich diesen Helm entdeckt habe musste ich ihn mir einfach bestellen.Ich finde es super cool einfach Kopfhörer, Dashcam, Blinker, Bremslicht und das wichtigste natürlich den Helm selbst in einem Produkt vereint zu haben.Die Kopfhörer funktionieren gut, mit Ohrenschützer hört man auch bei viel Wind noch ausreichend. Die Verbindung erfolgt über Bluetooth und hat sofort problemlos funktioniert.Der Blinker wird über den Lenker mittels einer kleinen Fernbedienung gesteuert. Neben Links und Rechts gibt es auch noch ein Warnblinker. Sobald man eine Taste drückt hört man das über die integrierten Lautsprecher (immer nur auf der richtigen Seite!) und wenn man Bremst merkt das der Helm automatisch und das Licht beginnt ebenfalls zu blinken um nachkommende Verkehrsteilnehmer zu warnen. Das ist ein ungemeiner Sicherheiten für mich selbst und alle beteiligten.Falls doch einmal etwas passieren sollte, oder auch einfach so zum spaß es vorne eine Kamera. Diese funktioniert wie eine Dashcam und wichtige Situationen können so einfach auf die SD Karte gespeichert werden. Abgerufen werden die Daten nicht über App, sondern direkt durch anschließen des Helm über USB oder durch die Entnahme der Micro SD Karte.Alles in allem ist das Produkt wirklich gut gedacht, von der verbauten Technik merkt man als Nutzer nur wenig. Die Steigerung der Sicherheit am Fahrrad alleine ist mir der Helms schon wert, ich würde ihn auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen.