A lot of research and studies have shown that riding a bicycle indeed lengthens the life expectancy of people. Find out what people have discovered about biking and living longer.
· According to a study conducted by the British Heart foundation, about 10,000 fatal heart attack could have been avoided every year if people engage in regular exercise like riding a bicycle.
· A study from King’s College London found out that individuals who ride a bicycle for 45 minutes each week live longer than those who don’t.
· Studies from Purdue University shows that a person who regularly rides a bicycle with a minimum of 20 miles per week, can lower his risk of heart disease by up to 50%.
· A study by Danish researchers showed that cycling faster can help you live longer.
· A certain study by the Health Care magazine which involved 30,000 people over the course of 15 years shows that people who rode to work live longer than those who rode a car to work. The study shows how significant riding a bike is in helping people live longer considering that they are free of stressors related to car and traffic hassles.
· According to Bikes Belong’s online research, women who ride a bicycle for half an hour a day or more are at significantly lower risk of getting breast cancer; and adults who regularly ride a bicycle are at lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, all types of cancer, and obesity.
Want to lose weight through cycling but cannot find a bicycle that can support your weight? Visit Zize Bikes, the maker of bicycles for everybody, including bicycles for heavy riders that can carry weight up to 550 pounds.